Category Archives: Recent Events

Events having a bearing on DARLENE’s artistic pursuits

One Idea for Older Siblings to Connect

Last Friday, my older sister, Diana, challenged me to draw from memory the layout of the house we grew up in. She wants to compare our recollections. I believe she is writing an account of her life. Recreating a blueprint from memory was an interesting exercise. There are rooms whose details I remember quite well but others I’m totally vague on.

When she saw my version, she provided more specific details. As I concentrated on the spaces, I started to remember things that happened in them.

I shared one of my stories with my sister and she insisted that I write down my memories of childhood. Then came the idea that we all recreate the layout of the house we grew up in as we remember it. Then I suggested we all write down our recollections. Perhaps this will be a powerful means to make a solid family connection.

My family is separated in different states. The house we grew up in together unites us in deep ways. My sister plans to offer this idea to the rest of my brothers and sister soon.

In the meanwhile, I believe this idea has many merits for others to consider implementing.

As a means to connect with your family during this epidemic, I challenge you, as my sister challenged me, to recreate the floor plan of the place y’all grew up in. Compare notes and swap memories and be respectful. Who knows where that may lead?

It’s an idea.

Calling Forth a New Humanity

Much of the unconscious world is collapsing under its own weight.

Many forms of commerce are hitting full stop. Ships are idle. Planes are empty. Even automobiles are parked without riders.

As old establishments fail, this is making room for new institutions and ways of living that are more fruitful and productive.

There will be some rebuilding of the old norm but, in many cases, new organizations will offer something fresh, something new, something conscious.

Those of us on the conscious journey have been calling forth a new humanity and a new earth.

Could it be that we’ve found our moment in the midst of so much challenge and hardship?


How about you? What are you being called to at this time?

Those on the conscious journey are in touch with their soul’s calling. The calling is often tangible and persistent.

What are things you can do full-time or part-time to contribute to an awakened world?

We are in a season of sequestering. This is a perfect time to feel deeply into our personal calling.

We will only create a new humanity and a new earth if we each decide to play a role. A small percentage of the population can’t possibly shoulder this load. No leader on high is going to take us there.

Conversations with God says our invitation in life is to announce and declare, express and fulfill, become and experience Who You Really Are.

Could it be that we are at such a moment?

It depends…

It depends on the decision you are making right now. Our individual decisions are a microcosm of what we are deciding collectively.

We are stretched but we are stretched in a good way.

So as we talk about rebuilding…

Let’s rebuild consciously and let’s create flourishing on every level: in our own lives, in our homes, in our communities, and in the world.

We can do this. So, let’s do this now and let’s do this together!

In service to your conscious evolution, Darlene

Check out my Quantum Transformational Art Store


How To Be Alone

Admittedly, I don’t know much about ways to be sociable … but I know all about being alone.

Those for whom being alone is novel, I have some tried and true methods for coping. I work from home and have for many years. Often, it takes a lot of discipline to keep working, especially when I don’t feel like it. Those times I don’t want to force my creativity, I fall back on some activities that I will now share with you.

When you’ve exhausted everything you can think of, but are still feeling antsy, depressed, or generally out of sorts, think about doing some of the stuff on the list below. Here are 10 things you can accomplish now that you have the time.

  • Organize your Photographs. Whether physical or digital, sort through your shots and place them in folders. Delete duplicates or mistakes.  Keep it’s nice to be able to locate photos when you want to without going through a ton of them to find the one you are looking for. Besides, this has the added benefit of reliving memories you are fond of.
  • Tend your Indoor Plants. You may have known for a while that this needs to be done, but didn’t quite have the time. Pick off the dried leaves. Add some new soil. Repot plants that have grown beyond the capacity of their container. (If you shop at Walmart for groceries, visit the garden section). Work on your outside garden plants too!
  • File your Papers. Now you have the time to go through your piles of papers. Widdle down that pile by going through them, consolidating them by subject. Papers could include the recipes you’ve collected, useful advice about health, how-to articles about other subjects, or letters you don’t want to throw away. After sorting, consolidate and find a nice place for them.
  • Clean out your Refrigerator (stove, range, microwave, or toaster oven). The necessary job of cleaning is always time-consuming, especially when it concerns large appliances. But guess what? You’ve now got the time for this chore. Thoroughly clean underneath the surfaces and where foodstuffs often fall.
  • Dust off your Books and Bookcases. This means taking them off each shelf to vacuum or swiffer the shelf as well as the tops of the books. Take this time to determine if you really need to keep the book(s) or pass them on.
  • Make some Bread by Scratch. Nothing is better than freshly baked bread. It’s especially great if you’ve never before done anything remotely like this. Now is a great time to experiment. There are plenty of how-tos on the internet. Who knows, you just might have a knack for this type of thing. And if it doesn’t quite work out, no one will know … plus, you can always eat the evidence.
  • Dust-Off that Project. Yikes, your project has been sitting around for a while, waiting for you to get back to it. When you started the project, you really liked how it made you feel, but somehow life got in the way. Now is your time to finally finish it.
  • Begin the First Chapter of Your Life Story. Come on, you’ve thought about writing one. Now’s your chance. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about writing. Just start. Get some words down on paper (or word processor) and see how far it goes. If you start to lag, think about having to clean the grout from the shower tiles. That should be incentive enough to continue.
  • Go through Your Closet. Look, you have clothes you haven’t worn for years just sitting there, taking up gobs of space. Sort through them. And what’s that thing at the back of the closet in the corner? Weren’t you looking for that a while back? And are you saving those shoes that are too tight for when your feet get smaller?
  • Work on Your Personal Growth.  There’s no time like the present to comb out the emotional snarls in your life, those things that keep you from fully living the life you want. This doesn’t have to be hard. I have created a simple and easy means to help you work out. Check it out.

Hopefully, you’ve already found something out of the 10 activities listed above to help you with your alone-time during your quarantine. Not only will they focus your attention, but you will also feel a great sense of accomplishment.

PS- I want to add to the list: “Take care of a little kitten or puppy who needs your help” because that would be awesome.

Note: I do not have children, so I cannot easily advise those who do.

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Explaining the Importance of Positive Feedback

It happened again last night. I shared an artistic idea that was just in it’s beginning stages, still delicate and budding. I was hoping for a grand “go for it!” kind of response—something juicy and supportive that would inspire me to dive deeper into the project.

Well, that backfired. Instead, I received a critique of what was wrong with the idea. Instantly, my energy deflated. Now, it will take a concerted effort for me to muster enough “oomph” to just get to the headspace I was in before I opened my big mouth.

I recognize it as my fault. I broke my own first cardinal rule to NEVER reveal or talk about a project before it is completed. It’s far too likely to get the result I just mentioned. Do people think artists are unaware of our own artistic challenges? When an uninvited critic takes a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process, it seldom results in the artist becoming more inspired.

The second thing I’m wondering is why, oh why, do people feel the need to be critical when an artist freshly shares their work. We usually want kudos for our artistic effort, at least initially (btw–I’m not referring to gallery shows where this behavior is expected).

Also, in the case of delivering commissioned art, some business people must be under the impression that it is unprofessional to tell an artist you really like the result. Are they afraid the artist will charge more if compliments are freely given? I’m reminded of something my mother always said, “If you cannot say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” To receive no response to delivered artwork is also very disheartening for a sensitive artist. What they are not saying can be construed as the receiver’s disappointment

Well, last night, I was ornery enough to stop the conversation long enough to inquire of my friend if there was anything he liked about my share. He seemed puzzled until I explained that I only heard negative things … were there not also positive things to balance out the negative? There was, but the positive stuff didn’t seem to require mentioning. What? Then he became embarrassed that I called him out and he back-petalled, trying to defend his reaction.

Anyway… I want people to realize the etiquette: unless specifically asked to provide an artistic critique, keep your mouth shut. However well-meaning, it is just as rude to give unsolicited criticism as it is to give unsolicited advice. When artists are ready, they will ask for honest feedback, but until then, assume they want some feel-good energy for their efforts. Often, for me, this energy is just as important as money.

Yes, I recognize my true motive in sharing was to receive emotional and energetic support so I could continue my artistic exploration with a renewed sense of vigor. But even a simple request like this can also backfire. In the past, when I expressed wanting to receive only positive feedback about some artwork I had in progress, my husband would often say, “What? You don’t want me to be honest?”

Sigh. That disempowering response always stopped me in my tracks, leaving in its wake many unfinished artistic starts, abandoned as unworthy.

Today, I’m strong enough to have responded with, “No. I only want you to be supportive. My work is in a delicate (or difficult) stage at the moment and I really need some positive energy to get through this. Are you willing to kindly do me this favor?”

It’s all about the energy.

Making A Positive Difference

As a spiritual being, I have always wanted to make a positive difference in the world, as an artist. For my art to speak meaningfully to those that behold it would be a pretty good legacy.

I started out my career doing fantasy art, design, and calligraphy for RPG (Role-Playing Games) in the 1980s. Thirty-five years later, when I started attending RPG conventions, I was shocked to learn how many people have been deeply touched by my work. At first, I thought it was nostalgia, my art symbolic of a time remembered fondly. But I’ve come to accept and embrace the fact that my art also speaks to some people in a deeper, heartfelt way.

Encouraged by the positive reactions I’ve received at gaming conventions, I decided to “give back” to fans within the RPG community by creating something for their progeny—coloring books! My first coloring book provides positive, empowered images of fantasy maidens for my fans’ daughters and sons.

Then, in 2017, at a Feminine Wisdom Intensive, I discovered that women on the empowerment path were equally attracted to my fantasy art coloring books. My next coloring book became broader in scope to appeal to “girls of all ages.”  I included a Mindfulness Coloring Meditation where it’s possible to awaken the archetypes within you by focusing on the chosen image and claiming its power through the act of coloring it. Each successive year, I’ve done more and more to make the coloring experience a transformative one.

The next advancement of the coloring book concept is its appearance in “Dancing The Enneagram” PlayBook by Kate Finlayson and myself, recently published in June. Kate’s innovative idea was to apply different movement modalities to each of the nine enneagram types.

In addition to applying the power of dance to the template of the Enneagram, I was inspired to make the illustrations into coloring book pages. I also included written information about colors and their meanings and created a meditation for “Conscious Coloring.”

“Dancing The Enneagram” is a useful tool for people already familiar with The Enneagram to use for focusing. It’s a visual meditation. To be the best you, as long as you know the direction you need to move, you can color in the appropriate aspects of the images.

Now, I’m still receiving inspirational thoughts about more specific ways the physical act of coloring can heal. And I’m in the process of exploring those possibilities.

I’m hoping that what I’m inspired to create will make a real difference in the lives of people.

I’m thinking of calling it: Color Me Healed!

Dancing The Enneagram

I’m very excited to announce our PlayBook,* Dancing the Enneagram, by Kate Finlayson and yours truly is now being printed for a June 1st launch.

Last August (2018), I was at my friend, Kate Finlayson’s “Dancing The Enneagram’s” PlayShop in Charlotte. The experience with Kate’s effervescent energy was inspiring. I was so stunned and impressed with its power, on my drive back home, a vision to have her material developed in written form appeared to me.

That night, I furiously wrote. Within a short time, I created an outline for her book. I telephoned Kate and relayed to her my excitement. She asked me to present her with a sample chapter, which I did in short order. It seemed to me the book REALLY wanted to be birthed. And here it is: nine months later our baby is born.

The premise for “Dancing the Enneagram” is unique and ground-breaking. Kate, who is Nia-trained and certified, moves through each of the nine personality types. Her idea is to add a somatic component to an intellectual process, grounding one’s knowing into embodiment. Kate’s work is powerful and integrative.

Originally, I intended to present only Kate’s material, but an idea popped into my head to include the component of “coloring” into the mix because each of the nine personality types is also associated with a color. I’ve been working for a couple of years creating coloring books with positive images of maidens in their power to inspire “girls of all ages.” It seemed only natural to include what I know about coloring as a further means of integration, especially for those who have not experienced Kate’s energy in person.

I’m at my first “Dancing The Enneagram” PlayShop, August 2018.

Thus, in “Dancing The Enneagram,” I present the symbology of color, explain the difference between Light (RGB) and Pigment-based (CYMK) color models, and also offer a “Conscious Coloring” technique.

So the nine full-page illustrations I created for our PlayBook can be colored in or enjoyed as is. I’m also really happy to use one of my own font designs in the PlayBook. The design of the book exemplifies Beauty as is one of my best efforts.  It’s epic!

Dancing The Enneagram

*PlayBook and Playshop are Kate’s preferred terms over Workbook and Workshop. Learning shouldn’t be work.

Darlene Marketing (?!)

I’m an artist. When I was younger and more adventurous, it was exciting to be dancing on the lip of poverty. The uncertainty of being able to stay alive by making ends meet was like a game; literally, it was “The Game of Life.” Now that I’m getting older, I realize I have to change. I no longer have the same resiliency and health I once enjoyed.

So I’ve been thinking. Being a “poor” artist does not have to be an automatic given. About 2 years ago, I realized that I sorely needed to supplement my meager income. Although it’s exciting to be teetering on the knife’s edge, I’m now longing for some stability. I wonder if you can relate?

So, instead of finding a soul-crushing part-time job (which would take me away from my art studio), I decided to invest my time in marketing myself on the internet, but it’s hard for an introvert like me. It means I have to reach out to people and be engaging.

Why doesn’t my art speak for itself unaided by my persistence in getting my name out there?

It’s a new game.

I created an art store to show off my wares. I call it my “Quantum Transformational Art Store,” and I invite you to take a look.

THANX for your interest, Darlene 

PS – I hope to see you with me on the sunny side of success.

Jasmine Snippet #108

More newly discovered notes from The Story of Jasmine:

As excellent a horseman as he was, Ahearn could not follow the pale princess-maiden, Jasmine. He rode swiftly up the mountain path and sought to overtake her. At the next turn, his steed suddenly reared and threw him.

From the ground, he beheld the sight of a white maiden on a white stallion, luminous against the evening sky. She faced him with burning eyes as she thrust her staff in the air. With an edge to her voice, she spoke, “You sought to trick me — why?”

Only then did he recognize the apparition as Jasmine, more glorious and beautiful than he had seen any woman. “Not to trick you,” he called, dusting himself off and getting to his feet, “to let you understand … that I am your husband—your betrothed—according to a royal decree, signed and sealed by both our fathers, binding the Kingdom of UR to the Kingdom of Elfvenhogg on condition of our marriage! My armies can free your father from his imprisonment … think of it!”

She rested her staff, “Yes, ah yes, the dark half-elves of Elfvenhogg, renowned for their many skills. But you, Prince Ahearn of Elfvenhogg, should know above all others that the princess you seek has long since vanished.”

© 2018 DARLENE

***Note: “Elfvenhogg” is new to me … an alternative name for Dockalfar. But looking up the word “hogg” (related to swine), I think I prefer Dockalfar (meaning: dark elf)

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