Tag Archives: The Guardian of Wisdom

Jasmine Snippet #44

Notes for “The Story of Jasmine” Continue:

The “Tome of Wisdom” card in Jasmine: The Battle for the Mid-Realm collector card game.

Ahearn had not traveled far into the cave when he thought he heard his name being called and echoed. Someone was aware he had entered the cave and knew who he was. He cautiously worked his way further inside until the space before him opened up into a sizable cavity.

For all his cautionary measures, Ahearn was still startled when someone spoke who was very close to him. “I was spared when it happened… That’s because I was in a far away passage to the north on the other side,” said a short gnome-like man with round glasses and a wispy white beard. Where he had popped out from, Ahearn could only guess. With gnarled hands grasping a walking stick, the little fellow gestured to the floor. Ahearn glanced down. There were a lot of blood stains. The little old man lamented,”There was no reason to kill them.”

“How is it you know my name.” Ahearn asked him. The little old character wobbled closer to Ahearn and came to the height of his knees.

“Why we know everybody’s name.” He replied, ” We are, or were, the Chroniclers of History. Ask us anything, and we will tell you all you want to know.”

“What happened here? What happened to the Princess of UR?”

The little man nodded his funny head. “The Princess of UR died, or will die very soon.”

“Oh no! I’m too late.” Ahearn sighed.

“You are not late at all,” the small man said in a reassuring tone, “For Jasmine to be born, the Princess Flavia of UR must die! It was never this girl’s fate to become a Queen. Her destiny lies elsewhere within the Mid-Realm. It has already been set years before her birth.”

“Is she within this cave?”

“No. The lost princess who entered this cave, has shed her past. I instructed her as I guided her out. When she left my care and this cave three days ago, it was with a new identity. If you should catch up with her, it is unlikely she will know you. And you will definitely not recognize her. You will only perceive a being who once was identified as the Princess Flavia of UR, but that person will no longer exist.”

“Then the princess is alive, thank the stars?!”

“Fool, have you not been listening? Yes, the woman is alive, but at what cost? A great tragedy visited us within this cavern.”

Ahearn’s attention was immediately brought back to the blood stained floor. The old man told him that Bardulf stood on that very spot. And just as he did , had received similar news and answers to his queries. But Bardulf reacted with rage. He violently struck down the messenger with his weapon and quickly proceeded to butcher the little people nearest him. In a heart-beat, everyone scattered.

Bardulf chased one who fled to an area containing the Tomb of Wisdom. Bardulf immediately halted when he noticed the opened book. When he recognized the book’s significance, he gained control over his blood lust. Dazzled, Bardulf put down his bloodied sword to read the pages, allowing the Chronicler to escape a bloody death.

The little old man shook his head, saying soulfully, “But many more will die because of the knowledge contained within that book of magic he stole.”

© 2018 DARLENE