The notes for the Story of Jasmine continue:

This is the ICON I used for Jasmine Publications when I decided to publish my own game based on “The Story of Jasmine.”
Flavia de UR* walked briskly past the aisle, her footsteps echoing with resolve as she entered from the courtyard. “Let the barbarian wait.” She announced haughtily to her attendant within earshot of the young suitor who had spent most of the day doing just that.
He was the last suitor. She had always found plenty of excuses to dismiss all the others. The last suitor waited outside the chamber. In months past, she had cleverly dispatched all the other eligible men whom her father, the King, had carefully chosen for her. And even though she knew her father’s anger would increase with each passing moment, she could not bring herself to face the fate of being a royal daughter. So Flavia de UR played a waiting game.
The golden light of the setting sun streamed through a small window. Flavia de UR prayed. She did not want to be a pawn. She wanted to feel alive.
*Elsewhere, I called her Princess Arlet.
This seems to be the first bit of actual story writing.