Tag Archives: Crystal Caverns

Jasmine Snippet #45

The notes for The Story of Jasmine continue:

The “Crystal Caverns” Castle Card from Jasmine: The Battle for the Mid-Realm collector card game.

True to his word, the little old man was filled with information. Ahearn spent several hours conversing with him. For someone who did not get out to socialize very much, the little man was charming and affable. Ahearn came to understand that Bardulf was still somewhere within the cave system, lost. They monitored his progress. At first, he went in circles. Then he “discovered” a passage that took him well beyond what the Guardian considered their borders. The latest report had Bardulf nearing the dwarven mine settlement off to the northwest.

When Ahearn asked about the Great Book that had gone missing, he was told it was started by the wizard Erlkyng with the intent it be presented to the “lad” to learn everything about defeating his enemies. He chuckled. Erlkyng expected the result of his magic would produce a son. They all thought that. But as fate would have it, a daughter was born! So everything Erlkyng wrote in the book addressed a lad. Until recently, the Tome of Wisdom had been safely stored away in the Crystal Caverns.

“We had only brought the book out of the Crystal Caverns to show the lass. We were so excited for her to see the resources that were prepared for her success…”

Curious, Ahearn interrupted, “The Crystal Caverns?”

“The Crystal Caverns were a refuge to the wizard Erlkyng,” one of the Guardians told him. Ahearn bade him continue, “We were good company for each other. Our kind live a long life and we’ve seen a lot. We shared with him many secrets that he found of use. He urged us to record all we knew into a great volume of knowledge. He told us this practice would give our lives purpose. We accepted his challenge and have been expanding the knowledge within Erlkyng’s book ever since.

“The Tome of Wisdom contains all of the secrets of the Mid-Realm. Now that it’s out of our hands, we fear the worst for the Mid-Realm. If used in a selfish way, the information can easily be used to destroy. Now it’s in the hands of a man who loves gaining power through manipulation, dabbles with the power of magic, feels superior over others and who kills indiscriminately and without remorse. I’m now sorry we agreed to write anything at all.”

The Guardian of Wisdom became solemn and kept silent for a long time after he voiced those words. Indeed, the stealing of the Tome of Wisdom was something to ponder. If Bardulf was this powerful without the Tome, just imagine how much more powerful a book of secrets will make him. The Guardian was right. This news pointed to something much more devastating than a maiden forgetting she was a princess.

He did not fully understand what the Guardian meant when he spoke of “Jasmine” being an intricate part of a decades long plan to defeat the evil that has been creeping down from the west.

It further confused Ahearn when the Guardian spoke of her destiny as something beyond a princess. Didn’t her birthright matter? How could anything change the fact that she was the daughter of a King? As a prince, he himself knew very well he was subject to certain rules of tradition. He was subject to certain obligations expected of him by his father and those ruled by him How could this princess not be subject to the same rules?

Thinking about the princess was always troublesome. Although she was fair to look at, he did not really like her. He considered her to be the worst type of maiden — spoiled, head strong, ill-humored, manipulative, and rude. Yet, he did not recognize the same traits in himself. The princess’s worth to him and his country was political. Her only redeeming quality as a person was the fact of her blood. All she had to do was to exist. She did not have to be deserving. She did not have to be nice. It would not matter. She would still be Queen.

© 2018 DARLENE

Jasmine Story – Snippet 6

The Story of Jasmine notes continue:

Heta was a key player in the battle against evil. It was with her help that Erlkyng initially won the first Battle for the Mid-Realm. She was Erlkyng’s base of support — they both knew it. Giving birth to Arial’s physical form took Erlkyng’s life. But it also took Heta’s youth. Thus, in one sweeping moment, Heta is at once virgin, mother, and crone. In her crone state, she accompanies Arial as her guardian, Ermengarde.*

Although much more delicate, Arial took on Heta’s features and appearance during her physical transformation. Therefore, the child of Arial and the King of UR also resembled Heta. During Arial’s pregnancy, when Arial needed strength to sustain her physical form, Heta asked the members of her Order for their life force energy. Understanding well the future of the Mid-Realm was at stake, they agreed to the sacrifice.

When the child is born, she holds the collective life force of the whole Order of the White Flower. Upon the birth of the child, Arial’s form dissipates. Heta, now as Ermengarde, becomes the child’s devoted nursemaid and guardian. Through songs, music and poetry, Ermengarde always encourages the development of the young princess’ wild, rebellious wind spirit.

At the point in the story when Ermengarde and Princess Arlet** flee together on horseback to escape from Bardulf’s ambush, they race towards the grove where the magic was initially performed sixteen years previous. A stray arrow pierces Ermengarde who pushes the princess into a mass of braided vines covering the mouth of the Crystal Caverns. The wall of jasmine vines give way and protect the young princess from the fall, as seemingly she’s swallowed by the earth. The jasmine flower*** wall springs back and blooms to congeal the entrance to the crystal cave.

Dying, Heta calls out to Arial to give Glynn a boon to protect “Jasmine” on the quest she must undertake. Then Heta turns into stone, becoming a guardian of the crystal cave’s entrance. Upon taking her stone statue form, she resumes her youthful beauty. (Also, Glynn will know Jasmine by her resemblance to Heta.)

When the pursuers find Heta’s stone form, they mistake her for the princess and become fearful of the magic of that place, lest they be turned to stone as well. But Bardulf is no stranger to magic and is not afraid. When Bardulf locates the place and inspects the statue, he notes there is no ring upon its finger. With his sword, he cuts away the wall of vines and discovers the entrance to the crystal caverns.


*Ermengarde or Ermengard or Irmingard or Irmgard is a feminine given name of German origin derived from the German words “ermen/irmin,” meaning “whole, universal” and “gard” meaning “enclosure, protection.” Thus her name means to protect the whole.

**Princess Arlet is, apparently, one of the names I assigned to the Princess of UR before she becomes Jasmine. The Princess Flavia de UR seems to be another name I used for her.

*** The jasmine flower is associated with love. Jasmine also symbolizes beauty and sensuality. In some cultures, Jasmine represents appreciation and good luck. When used in religious ceremonies jasmine represents purity. The meaning of Jasmine varies depending on the culture and setting.

© 2018 DARLENE