BOOKS From My Library are 4 Sale!
Imagine, you are browsing in a used book store. If you are a true bibliophile, you’ll easily recall the joy of discovering a book you’ve wanted or one you didn’t know existed. So today, you can again access that joy — without the hassle of finding somewhere to park…
You are only browsing. Then you notice the History books on this shelf…

Books on shelf 5 of my Biography Bookcase
- GANDI, An Autobiography, Mohandas K. Gandhi, (Beacon Press, Boson: 1957).
- GANDI, A Pictorial Biography, Gerald Gold, (Newmarket Press, NY: 1983).
- DASHIELL HAMMETT, A Life, Diane Johnson, (Random House, NY: 1983).
- PHILOSOPHY OF EXISTENCE, Karl Jaspars, (Univ. of Philadelphia Press, Philadelphia: 1971).
- WASHINGTON, Douglas Southall Freeman, (Touchstone Book, NY: 1968).
- THE GREEK TREASURE, Irving Stone, (Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY: 1958).
- THE LAST LION, Winston Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory 1874-1932 ,William Manchester, (Dell, NY: 1983).
- THE LAST LION, Winston Spencer Churchill, Alone 1832-1940 ,William Manchester, (Dell, NY: 1988).
- BOB DYLAN, Chronicles, Vol. One, (Simon & Shuster, NY: 2004).
- EINSTEIN, Life and Times, Ronald W. Clark, (The World Publishing Company, NY: 1971).
- T.E. LAWRENCE, A Biography, Michael Yardley, (Stein & Day Publishers, NY: 1985).
- THE PASSIONS OF THE MIND, Irving Stone, (Doubleday & Co., NY: 1971).
- D.W. GRIFFITH, Richard Schnikel, (Simon & Schuster, NY: 1984).
- NUR MAHAL, Harold Lamb, (Country Life Press, Garden City, NY: 1932).
- PLUTARCH’S LIVES or LIVES OF THE NOBLE GRECIANS AND ROMANS, Plutarch, (The Modern Library, NY: reprint of 1864 volume).
- EARLY REAGAN. The Rise to Power, Anne Edwards, (Morrow, NY: 1987).
- GREAT HARRY The Extravagant Life of Henry VIII, Carolly Erickson, (Summit Books, NY: 1980.
- WALKER, The True Story of the First American Invasion of Nicaragua, Rudy Wurlitzer, (Harper & Row, NY: 1963).
- MONSIEUR D’EON IS A WOMAN, A Tale of Intrigue and Sexual Masquerade, Gary Kates, (Basic Books, NY: 1995).
- BUSHWORLD Enter at your own Risk, Maureen Dowd, Putnam Press: NY: 2004).
If you happen to notice a title or two you may want, that’s great!
Many of these hardbacks were originally purchased at the $29.95 range, but I’m letting them go for $5.00 each (plus shipping and handling).
I will pack your desired books into a box to determine shipping costs, add the number of books by by $5.00 and respond to you via e-mail regarding the total. If you choose to pay via PayPal, please tack on a little more for their fees (Thanx). Once I receive funds, I will send the books out promptly.
If you are serious about getting some book(s), let me know by telling me in the comments section, so I can save them for you. Your order will packaged and shipped within a week. In the case that the same book is chosen by different people, it’s first come, first served.
Shipping costs via Priority Mail Flat Rate info is at the bottom of this post or I can ship via Media Rate.

History Books to Browse
- DECISION IN NORMANDY, Carlo D’Este, (Harper Perennial NY: 1984).
- BITTER VICTORY, The Battle For Sicily, 1943, Carlo D’Este, (Harper Perennial NY: 1988).
- THE ROCK OF ANZIO, From Sicily to Dachau: A History of the US 45th Infantry Division, Flint Whitlock, (Westview Press, Boulder, CO: 1998).
- IN MORTAL COMBAT, Korea 1950-1955, John Toland, (Wm. Morrow, NY: 1991).
- THE CRUEL PEACE, Everyday Life and the Cold War, Fred Inglis, (Basic Books, NY: 1991).
- THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, A Political History of the Space Age, Walter A. McDougall, (Basic Books, NY: 1985).
- DARK SUN, The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb, Richard Rhodes, (Simon & Schuster, NY: 1995).
- THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB, Richard Rhodes, (Simon & Schuster, NY: 1988).
- ACES, William Yenne, (Berkley, NY: 200).
- THE GOOD YEARS, From 1900 to the First World War, Walter Lord, (Harper & Bros, NY: 1960).
- THE NIGHTMARE YEARS,1930 – 1940, William L. Shirer, (Little Brown & Co., Boston: 1984).
- WAR WITHOUT MERCY, Race & power in the Pacific War, John W.Dower, (Pantheon Books, NY: 1986).
- EDEN TO ARMAGEDDON, WWI In The Middle East, Roger Ford, (Pegasus Books, NY: 2010).
- THE SLEEPWALKERS How Europe Went to War in 1914, Christopher Clark, (Harper Collins, NY: 2012).
- ROMMEL’S LAST STAND. Lawrence Cortesi, (Zebra Books, NY: 1984).
- WARTIME, Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War, Paul Fussell, (Oxford University Press, NY: 1989).
- THE WAR’S LONG SHADOW, The Second World War and It’s Aftermath China, Russia, Britain, America, Bradley F. Smith,(Simon & Schuster, NY: 1986).
- GOODBYE DARKNESS, A Memoir of the Pacific War, William Manchester, (Dell, NY: 1979).
- THE OXFORD COMPANION TO WWII, I.C.B, Dear, Ed., (Oxford University Press, NY: 1995).
- THE SECOND WORLD WAR, John Keegan, (Viking Press, NY: 1989).
- CASSINO THE HOLLOW VICTORY, The Battle for Rome, January-June 1944, John Ellis, (McGraw-Hill, NY: 1984).
Biography Books on the Previous shelf you can browse:
- MASON & DIXON, Thomas Pynchon, (Henry Holt & Co., NY: 1997).
- WHITE SHADOW, Ace Atkins, (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY: 2006).
- BABEL TOWER, A. S. Byatt, (Random House, NY: 1996).
- VINLAND, Thomas Pynchon, (Little Brown & Company, Boston: 1990).
- SPOOK COUNTY, William Gibson,(G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY: 2007).
- SIGN OF THE QIN, L. G. Bass, (Hyperion Books, NY: 2004).
- A WORLD TREASURY OF PROVERBS FROM 25 LANGUAGES, Henry Davidoff, collector, (Random House, NY: 1946). [SOLD]
- HEIDEGGER ON THE DIVINE, James L. Perotti, (Ohio University Press; 1974).
- FRANCOIS VILLON, D.B. Wyndham Lewis (Star Books, Garden City, NY: 1928). [SOLD]
- THE LETTERS OF JOHN WILMOT, EARL OF ROCHESTER, Jeremey Treglown, (Uni. of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1980).
- FROM SATCHMO TO MILES, Leonard Feather, (Stein & Day, NY: 1972).
- OLYMPIO: THE LIFE OF VICTOR HUGO, Andre Maurois, (Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., NY: 1984).
- SAMUEL JOHNSON, W. Jackson Bate, (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NY: 1977).
- THE VENDETTA, FBI Hero Melvin Purvis’s War Against Crime, and J. Edgar Hoover’s War Against Him, Alston Purvis, (Publ;ic Affairs, NY: 2005).
- AN ORIGINAL MAN. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, Claude Andrew Clegg III, (St. Martin’s Griffin, NY: 1998).
- THE MONSTERS. Mary Shelley and the Curse of Frankenstein, Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler,(Little, Brown & Company, NY: 2006). [SOLD]
- THE SELECTED POETRY OF RAINER MARIA RILKE, Stephen Mitchell, (Random House, NY: 1982). [SOLD]
- A TREASURY OF BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS, Lester barry, (Doubleday & Company, Garden City, NJ: 1948). [SOLD]
Biography Books on the Previous shelf:
- ORSON WELLES, Barbara Leaming, (Penguin Books, NY: 1985).
- The Complete Tales & Poems of EDGAR ALLEN POE, Intro by Hervey Allen, (The Modern Library, NY: 1965). [SOLD]
- THE ADVENTURES OF CONAN DOYLE, Charles Higham, (Pocket Books, NY: 1976). [SOLD]
- CYRUS THE GREAT, Harold Lamb, (Bantam Books, NY: 1960).[SOLD]
- ROBERT THE BRUCE, Vol 1. Steps to the Empty Throne, Nigel Tranter (Coronet Books, London: 1977)
- ROBERT THE BRUCE, Vol 2. The Path of the Hero King, Nigel Tranter (Coronet Books, London: 1977)
- HOUDINI The Man Who Walked through Walls, William Lindsay Gresham, (MacFadden Books, NY: 1968).
- THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X , Alex Haley (Grove Press: NY: 1966).
- THE WOLF BY THE EARS, Thomas Jefferson and Slavery, John Chester Miller, (University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: 1991).
- THE FRONTIERSMAN The Real Life and the Many Legends of Davy Crockett, Mark Derr, (Quill, NY: 1993). [SOLD]
- THE HAUNTED MAN. The Strange Genius of David Lindsay, Colin Wilson, (Borgo Press, San Bernardino, CA: 1979).[SOLD]
- A COFFIN FOR KING CHARLES. The Trial and Execution of Charles I, C.V. Wedgwood, (Time-Life Books, Alexandria, VA: 1981.
- THEY ALSO RAN, A Penetrating Insight into 23 Presidential Candidates–who didn’t make it, Irving Stone, (New American Library, NY: 1966).
- THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, Andrew Jackson and America’s First Military Victory, Robert V. Remini, Penguin Books, NY: 1999).
- L. RON HUBBARD Messiah or Madman? Bent Corydon and L. Ron Hubbard, Jr., (Lyle Stuart Inc., Seecaucus, NJ: 1987).[SOLD]
- THE RIGHT STUFF, Tom Wolfe, (Farrar, NY: 1979).[SOLD]
- A SORROW IN OUR HEART, The Life of Tecumseh, Allan W. Eckert, (Konecky & Konecky, NY: 1992).
- NO MAN KNOWS MY HISTORY, The Life of Joseph Smith, Fawn M. Brodie, (Alfred A. Knopf, NY: 1982).
- PAUL REVERE & the World He Lived in, Esther Forbes, (Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston: 1942).
- THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING, Joan Didion, (Alfred A. Knopf, NY: 2005).[SOLD]
The Biography books on the previous shelf…
- THE DIARIES OF SOPHIA TOLSTOY, Cathy Porter, (Random House, NY: 1985).
- THE KNIGHT, DEATH, AND THE DEVIL, Ella Leffland, (Wm Morrow & Co, NY: 1990). [SOLD]
- RASCALS IN PARADISE, James A. Michener & A. Grove Day (Random House, NY: 1957).[SOLD]
- CATHERINE DE’ MEDICI AND THE LOST REVOLUTION, Ralph Roeder (Viking Press, NY: 1937).
- REALLY THE BLUES, Mezz Mezzrow and Bernard Wolfe, (Citadel Press, NY: 1990).[SOLD]
- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Walter Isaacson, (Simon & Schuster, NY: 2003).
- BURR, Gore Vidal, (Random Hose, NY: 1973).
- CARELESS LOVE, The Unmaking of Elvis Presley, Peter Guralnick, (Little Brown & Co., NY: 1999).
- VAN LOON’S LIVES, Hendrik Willen Van Loon, (Simon & Schuster: 1942).
- OLYMPIO: THE LIFE OF VICTOR HUGO, Andre Maurois, (Carroll & Graf, NY: 1956).
- FRANCOIS VILLON A Documentary Survey, Hilaire Belloc, (Star Books, Garden City, NY: 1928).
- THE LETTERS OF JOHN WILMOT, EARL OF ROCHESTER, Jeremy Treglown, (University of Chicago, Chicago: 1980).
- FROM SATCHMO TO MILES, Leonard Feather, (Stein & Day, NY: 1972).
- GURDJIEFF, ANATOMY OF A MYTH, James Moorse, (Element, Rockport, MA: 1991).[SOLD]
- AN ORIGINAL MAN. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, Claude Andrew Clegg III, (St. Martin’s Griffin, NY: 1998).
- THE ARYAN CHRIST. THE SECRET LIFE OF CARL JUNG, Richard Noll, (Random House, NY: 1997). SOLD
- LORD ROCHESTER’S MONKEY, Graham Greene, (Penguin Books, NY: 1974).[SOLD]
- SAMUEL JOHNSON, W. Jackson Bate, (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NY: 1977).
- CORNELL WOOLRICH: First You Dream and Then You Die, Frances M. Nevins, Jr. (Mysterious Press, NY: 1982). [SOLD]
You are only browsing. Then you notice the Biography books on this shelf…

Today, I’m featuring 20 hardback books from the top shelf of my Biographies Bookcase because I am whittling down my library. I’d rather my books go to appreciators of knowledge, not number pushers. I have 18 book cases, 6 shelves each, packed with collections on every possible subject. See below for title information.
- BLUE ANGEL The Life of Marlene Dietrich, Donald Spoto (Doubleday, NY: 1992).
- LEONARDO DA VINCI Flights of the Mind, Charles Nicholl (Viking, NY: 2004) [SOLD]
- W.B. YEATS, A LIFE The Apprentice Mage, R. F. Foster (Oxford University Press, NY: 1997) [SOLD]
- JOAN OF ARC, HER STORY, Regine Pernoud and Marie-Veronique Clin (St. Martin’s Press, NY:1998) [SOLD]
- FINDING ATLANTIS A True Story of Genius, Madness, and and Extraordinary Quest for a Lost World, David King (Harmony Books, New York: 2005).
- THE CRIME OF GALILEO by Giorgio de Santillana (University of Chicago: 1955) [SOLD]
- MANDELA The Authorized Biography, Anthony Sampson (Vintage Books, NY: 1999).
- THE MAN ON A DONKEY A Chronicle, H.F.M. Prescott (Macmillian Pub., NY: 1952). Note: This is an historical novel based on the Prioress of Marrick, a nunnery which survived the destruction ordered by Henry VIII of monasteries and convents. [SOLD]
- ALBERT CAMUS, A BIOGRAPHY, Herbert R. Lottman (Doubleday, NY: 1979).
- EMPIRE OF THE SUN, J.G. Ballard (Simon & Schuster, NY: 1984) Note: This is a novel describing the author’s experiences in Shanghai during WWII and eye-witness account of the Japanese occupation.
- VOLTAIRE and the Century of Light, A. Owen Aldridge (Princeton University Press, Princeton: 1975) [SOLD]
- GORDON OF KHARTOUM The Saga of a Victorian Hero, John H. Waller (Atheneum: NY: 1988) [SOLD]
- JULES VERNE An Exploratory Biography, Herbert R. Lottman (St. Martin’s Press, NY: 1996) [SOLD]
- W.B.YEATS THE MAN AND THE MILIEU, Keith Alldritt (Clarkson Potter, NY:1997) [SOLD]
- EDIE An American Biography, Jean Stein (Alfred A. Knopf, NY: 1982).
- FREEDOM IN EXILE The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet (Cornelia & Michael Bessie Book, Imprint of Harper Collins, NY: 1990).
- WELLINGTON The Years of the Sword, Elizabeth Longford (Harper & Row, NY: 1969) [SOLD]
- DARK STAR The Roy Orbison Story, Ellis Amburn (Carol Publishing Group, NY: 1990).
- DEAD CERTAINIES (Unwarranted Speculations), Simon Schama (Granta Books, London: 1991).
- STANLEY KUBRICK, A BIOGRAPHY, Vincent LoBrutto (Donald I. Fine Books, Penguin, NY: 1997).
If you happen to notice a title or two you may want, that’s wonderful.
Many of these hardbacks were originally purchased at the $29.95 range, but I’m letting them go for $5.00 each (plus shipping and handling). Your order will packaged and shipped within a week. In the case that the same book is chosen by different people, it’s first come, first served.
If you are serious about getting some book(s), let me know by telling me in the comments section, so I can save them for you. Following is to give you an idea of shipping costs via Priority Mail Flat Rate.
Priority Mail Flat Rate:
- 1 book = small flat rate shipping box at $7.25
- 2 books = probably medium, depending upon size.
- 3 books = medium flat rate shipping at $13.65
- 4 books may fit into either a medium or a large box
- 5 books = large flat rate shipping at $18.95
- 6 books = may still fit into large flat rate box
- more books may require a combination of 2 or more boxes.
- or let me know if you want them to go media/book rate
I shall also update this site every time a book becomes unavailable.
Hi Darlene,
I’d like to buy some of your books, but the Paypal cart on your site doesn’t seem to be working for me. Could I do a transaction by sending you a payment directly on Paypal? Also, the Joan of Arc book is one of the ones I want to buy, and it isn’t showing up on the drop down menu.
Thanks Very Much,
Joe Piela
Hi Joe,
Sure–that would work. Just list what you desire, I’ll weigh them up and obtain a shipping cost and we’ll have a number to plug into Pay Pal.
Thanks, Darlene
Ok, I would like to get the books on Joan, Leonardo, Man on a Donkey, Gordon, and Wellington.
Thanks Very Much,
OK, Joe
I can fit all five into a “Large Flat Rate Box” for $18.90 (as per internet).
Five books @ $5 each is $25 plus $18.90 for shipping and $1.10 for handling,
or $45.00 (tac on a little more to off set PayPal fee)… In PayPal, send funds
payable to I will retrieve your address from Pay Pal.
Congratulations, I think you’re making a haul, Monty.
Thanks Darlene!
I’ll get the payment out to you.
I absolutely love those Monty Haul stories that Jim Ward did in The Dragon! So I got your reference. If there are any spells in those books for frying 10 balrogs at once then I am indeed getting a Monty-Haul.
THE KNIGHT, DEATH, AND THE DEVIL, Ella Leffland, (Wm Morrow & Co, NY: 1990).
RASCALS IN PARADISE, James A. Michener & A. Grove Day (Random House, NY: 1957).
REALLY THE BLUES, Mezz Mezzrow and Bernard Wolfe, (Citadel Press, NY: 1990).
GURDJIEFF, ANATOMY OF A MYTH, James Moorse, (Element, Rockport, MA: 1991).
THE ARYAN CHRIST. THE SECRET LIFE OF CARL JUNG, Richard Noll, (Random House, NY: 1997).
LORD ROCHESTER’S MONKEY, Graham Greene, (Penguin Books, NY: 1974).
CORNELL WOOLRICH: First You Dream and Then You Die, Frances M. Nevins, Jr. (Mysterious Press, NY: 1982).