Category Archives: marketing tips

Energy is the Key to Internet Marketing

The ability to succeed at INTERNET MARKETING is about energy, the type of energy you put into your life. When you put zero energy into something you’ll get zero results. If you put focused and pleasant energy into your projects, they cannot help but reflect this state of being. I conclude, that in everything you do, you need to be very conscious about energy and how you are using it.

It’s all about energy …

Pessimistic people are always pessimistic. Have you ever known a pessimistic person to suddenly decide to have an optimistic viewpoint for once? Their outlook on life is reflected in their pattern of behavior. Like a broken record, they retell the same stories, over and over again. They define themselves through the lens of failure: “It’s other people’s fault … well, if it hadn’t been for their betrayal, everything would be different today…” It’s not true, but that is what they tell themselves. Perhaps, it is to make them feel better about a situation they are applying zero energy to change.

The viewpoint of “oh woe is me…” has a particular energy signature, as do they all. This type of energy signature dissipates, or cancels out the energy of benevolent abundance. This is also true for the energy of depression, which is always depleting and feeds on itself. Woe-is-me, depressing moody people have a way of sucking the life’s energy from all around them. Nobody wants to be around needy people too often because its all so exhausting. When people are moody or depressed, they are high maintenance and need to be constantly fed.

Getting back to the subject …

The exhilarating and uplifting feeling of joy, of being in the moment, happy and one with the universe is an expansive energy. This energy is magnanimous. It is inclusive. Joy is the state of being required for manifestation.

This concept can best be understood through energy. It makes sense that a massive, outwardly flowing energy would be conducive to touching many people, connecting them in untold ways. This is opposite an inward-turning, small, “please don’t notice me,” black-hole type of energy.

Me? My bane is in just being lazy and unmotivated. I didn’t really want to do what was necessary for success. So I found ways to do everything, but… Occasionally, I’d take a day or two out from the month and update my web-site or blog and do other social things. I admit, my attempts to get myself out there were so half-heartedly introverted.

When I finally understood how energy works, I awoke to what I must do to be successful.

That’s why people with great passions do so well on the internet. Their enormous energy is infectious and they inspire true change. Anthony Morrison is one such person. The energy surrounding his passion to de-mystify Internet Marketing for students is simply astounding!  That’s only one of the reasons I decided to partner with him, but it’s a good one.

I finally declared I am worth the energy it takes to succeed!

At least I know now why I cannot manage alone, by myself. What I don’t have in “oomph” or the confident energy of know-how Anthony makes up. The Partner with Anthony program is my chosen tool for change. It can be yours too. Anthony’s upbeat messages alone are worth the $7.00 investment. 

Check out Anthony’s inspiring Lectures!

Changing Relationship to Money

What I learned recently is that, in order to succeed, I needed to totally change the way I relate to money as an artist.
I bought into the “poor artist” concept, where money is tainted and to accumulate money and wealth is to become tainted yourself. Poor artists indulging this paradigm judge people who are wealthy harshly — as being morally corrupt, greedy, egoistic, self-indulgent ass-holes. Many of them are, it’s true, but not all of them. There are also poor people with those traits.
Psychologically, we would “tell ourselves” we want success, but at the same time, would always sabotage our chances of success if deep down, we thought it would corrupt us, or automatically lead us down a perilous moral path.
I came upon this idea a while back when I realized, I looked down on wealthy people. I have since reframed things. There is nothing wrong with accumulating green survival tickets, especially if having these would enhance my art (as time would no longer be divided between art and finding a means to pay the bills).
I don’t think I had a devils chance of succeeding when I harbored virtuous (untainted) prejudice. It’s like I had to give myself permission to succeed. And I did. To prove it, I can believe the following statements:
There is nothing wrong with having wealth. As one of the wealthy, I will have the means to address wrongs. Time will open up because the tasks I was not good at and so did myself because I didn’t have the means–like accounting and taxes–would be delegated to those with expertise in those areas.
Then, I could better focus on things that I love and are important to me. It is thus, I give myself permission to not only succeed, but to lavishly exceed all expectations.