Tag Archives: spiritual energy

Sacred Art for the New Year

Happy New Year’s Week!

 The start of a New Year always holds such great promise …  being a completely blank slate — there are 366 days (leap year) to bring your dreams to life. Simply following through on your promises means becoming the best version of yourself. I have a great way to help you do this.

My contribution to 2020 is to live up to my full potential as a visionary artist who makes spiritual energy tangible.

I’m glad I realized I don’t need to keep my spiritual life assets and my artistic life separated in my head or in practice. (Although they’ve always worked together), I am honoring my gift by recognizing what a waste it would be if I don’t offer the fullness of who I am to those who can benefit!

Through my art, I offer to younot only my heartbut the strength of who I am. Let the best version of me allow you to see and embody the best version of you. 

That’s what I do. I shamelessly declare it.

Through my visionary art, I can help you remember who you are at a soul level. By using the images and symbols surrounding your higher self, I create an image of the best version of you. The resulting image is not something you strive for. It’s who you are already! Sometimes, when life gets in the way and you accept limiting definitions of yourself, you tend to forget your true essence.

The art is there as a reminder. You are greater than you know. It’s time for you to expand into your bigger role. As surely as it is time for me to expand in mine. I’m calling my art “sacred” as a way to differentiate it from the usual creative process.

When does art become sacred? Is it when the artist creates it with love and reverence? …or when the energy radiating from the art can be felt? …or when the colors, symbology, and geometry reinforce the potency of its meaning? …or when the intent of the artist is sacred? It’s all of them.

I’ve decided to devote my abilities to create Power Art for people on a path of personal and spiritual transformation. Folks involved with self-improvement seem to be the most open to the idea that art can also be a powerful means to connect in deeper ways to oneself.

My desire is to create life-affirming, uplifting and renewing art which draws its power from the archetypes and symbols being depicted. But the full energy remains passive until it is called forth. Then it acts like a portal into the energy of your soul’s power. You can tap into this undepletable energy anytime and give yourself a psychic energy boost.

If you are interested in having me create art of personal significance for you that resonates with your psyche, let me know of your interest. Add yourself to my new mailing list where I intend to share deeper insights about how art and spirituality meet.


When I finally get things set up (the logistics of taking payments without risk to the customer) and working, I will let you know.